Have you been in a not at fault accident?

Redwood provides a professional recovery service where we act on your behalf to recover the cost of repairs, car hire and any other associated losses from the at fault party in the collision or their insurer, this can include accident replacement vehicle costs, repairs, towing fees etc.
With specialisation in motor insurance recovery, the basis of our recovery is to restore the customer back to the position they were in prior to the collision. We recover on behalf of the not at fault party from the at fault party or their insurer.
Our service is generally paid for by your vehicle repairer or hire car provider. Redwood manages thousands of these types of claims each month.
If, after reading this page, you still have unanswered questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Before you send us the details of the collision and we get started working on your behalf, there are some initial points for your consideration

Claiming from the at fault party or their insurance rather than your insurance

There are a number of reasons why you and your repairer might prefer to make a claim on the at fault party’s insurance rather than your own. These include:

  • The ability for your repairer to complete the repairs on your behalf. Most insurance companies may require you to take the vehicle to a repairer approved by them and may not allow you to have the vehicle repaired by a repairer of your choice;
  • Supply of a replacement vehicle. It would be unusual for your insurance company to be required to provide a replacement vehicle to you while your vehicle is off the road for repairs. The law in New Zealand requires the at fault party, or their insurer, to compensate you for the loss of use of your vehicle, this includes hiring a replacement vehicle whilst yours is being repaired or replaced;
  • No impact on your insurance premium. By making a claim on the at fault party’s insurance, there would usually be no increase on your insurance premiums for the next year as well as maintaining your insurance rating.
  • No excess payable. By making a claim on the at fault party’s insurance, you avoid having to pay an excess on your insurance claim.
    In most cases, we recommend our clients make a claim on the at fault party’s insurer rather than their insurance company. If you’re unsure, please reach out and we can review your individual circumstances and provide our recommendation.

Replacement Vehicle

Please contact your vehicle repairer if you require a hire vehicle whilst your vehicle is being repaired and ensure that we are advised if a replacement vehicle is provided to you.
It’s common that your repairer may have a relationship with a hire vehicle company who can provide you with a hire vehicle. If this is not the case, please contact our office and we will refer you to a reputable hire vehicle company.
You, your repairer or the hire vehicle provider must provide us with a copy of the hire vehicle agreement along with a copy of the invoice for the hire vehicle charges. It is imperative that we receive this to avoid us settling your claim without recovering any outstanding amounts. This may subsequently leave you liable for unrecovered costs.
Please ensure that we are informed of any other losses such as personal property damaged in the collision or loss of use of income due to the inability to use the vehicle.

Instructing us

Please complete our claim form found here. We ask that you provide as much information as possible to allow us to recover in a timely manner.
Once the completed claim form has been submitted, we will get started without delay. We will confirm your instructions in writing.


We will send a letter of demand to the at fault party and their insurer (if any). We will attempt to resolve the matter by negotiating a settlement and expect to recover the cost of repairs, hire car and any other losses that we are advised about that are a result of the collision.
If the at fault party or their insurer contacts you, please refer them directly to us.
We expect to be able to resolve most matters promptly and will do so provided we have all the relevant information.
If we have any issues resolving a matter with the at fault party or their insurer we will revert back to you for instructions as to whether you would like to engage solicitors to issue proceedings. We will provide our recommendation should this situation arise.
If, for any reason, recovery is not possible, we will advise you immediately.
In the event we are successful in recovering your loss, we will distribute funds to the repairer, hire car company and any other person whose loss we have received and successfully recovered.


Complete our claim form.
If you are comprehensively insured, it is recommended you advise your insurer of the collision. This is not a claim but may be a requirement of your insurer, we recommend reviewing your policy.
Should you have any questions about what we do, please contact us.


All fees payable to us will likely be paid by your repairer and your hire car provider.