If you have been involved in a motor vehicle collision with one of our customers and have been identified as the at fault party, you may receive a request to pay for the cost of the accident replacement vehicle and/or the cost of repairs to the damaged vehicle and associated costs incurred by our customer. This is because the not at fault party is legally entitled to be placed back in the same position they were in prior to the collision. The cost is for the accident replacement vehicle whilst their own vehicle was being repaired, or in the event of a total loss, pending the payout to allow them to arrange another vehicle. It may also include the cost of repairs to the damaged vehicle and associated costs.

If you are insured, you should refer the request for payment to your insurer and provide, as requested, your insurer details and claim number. If you have not provided your insurer details, you should immediately contact us at Redwood Services on +64 800 032 101 to confirm your insurer’s name and your claim number. This will ensure all future communications, if possible, are limited to your insurer. If you are insured, have met all policy obligations, and paid your excess, you should not be out of pocket. After all, this is why you have insurance.

If you are not insured, you should immediately contact us at Redwood Services on +64 800 032 101 to arrange payment of the cost of the accident replacement vehicle and/or cost of repairs to the damaged vehicle and associated costs.

If you would like more information, we have compiled a list of relevant questions and answers below to assist you:

What does Redwood Services do?

Redwood Services has been appointed by the not at fault customer in the recovery of the cost of the accident replacement vehicle incurred by our customer whilst their own vehicle was being repaired, or in the event of a total loss, pending the payout. The recovery may also include the cost of repairs to the damaged vehicle and associated costs.

I have lodged a claim with my insurer and provided my claim number. Why am I being contacted directly?

We recommend you contact your insurer to confirm they have received a copy of the request for payment and ask that they contact us at Redwood Services to arrange payment. We suggest you forward copies of all emails and text messages for our attention. If you have provided your insurance company details and claim number, Redwood Services will contact your insurer. It is only if responses to requests are ignored or unreasonable offers for the cost of the accident replacement vehicle and/or cost of repairs to the damaged vehicle and associated costs are made that you may be contacted directly.

I am insured and have made a claim. Will this cost me anything?

If you hold a valid insurance policy, have lodged a claim, have met your policy obligations, and have paid your excess, your insurance company should provide indemnity and satisfy the accident replacement vehicle invoice and/or cost of repairs to the damaged vehicle and associated costs. You should not need to pay anything extra.

I am not insured. What should I do?

If you did not hold a valid insurance policy at the time of the collision, it will be necessary that you immediately contact us at Redwood Services to arrange payment of the cost of the accident replacement vehicle incurred by the not at fault party as a result of you causing the collision and/or the cost of repairs to the damaged vehicle and associated costs. Any delays may result in legal proceeding being issued against you personally, which will incur additional costs.

Your customer has insurance, so why have they not lodged a claim with their own insurer?

There is no obligation on the not at fault party to lodge a claim with an insurer just because they hold a valid insurance policy. A driver can choose to recover their losses directly from the at fault driver.

I am insured. Why have I been served with court documents? What should I do?

If you held a valid insurance policy at the time of the collision, have lodged a claim, and have met your policy obligations, legal proceedings may still have been issued against you. The reason for this is either because a reasonable settlement could not be reached with your insurer, or your insurer has not responded to our reasonable requests. If you have been served with court documents, you should immediately provide a copy to your insurer to ensure your interests are protected. You should not delay contacting your insurer as strict time frames apply.

I am insured. Why have I been named as a defendant?

As you have been identified as the at fault driver, you are legally responsible for the loss and damage you have caused to the not at fault driver who is our customer. If you held a valid insurance policy at the time of the collision, your insurer should indemnify you and you should not be out of pocket.

I am not insured and have been served with court documents. What should I do?

You should immediately arrange payment of the outstanding amount.  If you have any concerns, you should seek independent legal advice to ensure your interests are protected.